Transverse thematic action SI-S – Seismological information system


The Epos-France Seismological Information System (SI-S) is part of the Seismology Thematic Group. All raw seismological data are distributed by this SI-S, which operates under a community-supported architecture and management.

  • Epos-France Seismological Data Center (SDC) is one of 19 worldwide centers distributing data and metadata using formats and protocols compliant with the standards of the International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN). It is also one of the 12 nodes of the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA), and represents France within the EIDA management structures. EPOS is connected to the Epos-France SDC via 3 TCSs:
  • TCS Seismology (3 services)
  • TCS Volcanology (2 services)
  • TCS Near Fault Observatories (4 services)

Seismological data and metadata are collected and validated by seven centers managed by members of the Epos-France consortium, known as “A-nodes”, who are also responsible for keeping a copy of the data for a minimum of two years. The data and metadata are then transmitted to the Epos-France Seismological Data Center (SDC, also known as node B), which operates the data and metadata archiving and distribution services. The SDC is responsible for the continuity and quality of data services and data security.

The Epos-France SI-S seismological data portal enables users to discover and download data from the various permanent and temporary networks. All data is distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 license, once any embargo period has expired (maximum 3 years embargo).


Epos-France’s Action transverse thématique SI-S archives and distributes geophysical time series from 13 permanent networks and around 80 temporary networks (as of January 1, 2023). The vast majority of these time series consist of seismological measurements (ground velocity or acceleration), but other types of fixed-sampling continuous time series are also available, such as inclinometry or meteorological data. Epos-France SI-S is based on an open and FAIR (Easy to Find, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data policy.

In brief

  • Web site: Data portal
  • Thematic Group: Seismology
  • Instrumentation: Permanent
  • Supervisor and web contact: Claudio Satriano, IPGP (resp. comité de pilotage), Laurent Stehly, Osug (ISTerre, co-responsable), Marie Calvet, OMP, Constanza Pardo, IPGP, Helle Pedersen, Osug (ISTerre), Diane Rivet, OCA (Geoazur)
  • Technical contact: Constanza Pardo (IPGP)
  • Participating partners: CEA, IPGP, OCA, UGA, Unistra
ATT-Système d'information sismologique -Schéema d'organisation

Architecture of the Epos-France SI-S Seismological Information System. Top: data typology and operators of A nodes. Bottom: Epos-France SI-S technical architecture and services.