The map of “Instrumental seismicity of metropolitan France over the period 1962-2018” takes up and completes the results of the SI-Hex project, which led in 2014 to the catalogue (and associated map) of instrumental seismicity of metropolitan France over the period 1962-2009. The BCSF-RéNaSS / Résif data for the period 2010-2018 have been taken into account after conversion of the ML magnitudes into Mw.

Download the map from the FranceSeisme website

This map shows the epicentres of naturally occurring earthquakes in the area (metropolitan France and the Exclusive Economic Zone at Sea (EEZ), with a 20km enlargement), as well as earthquakes felt in France with an intensity EMS-98 ≥ IV (BCSF) © Sophie Lambotte, Eost. To know more about it.