The G2 colloquium brings together every year geodesists and geophysicists on related topics. It allows exchanges between scientists, young researchers, post-docs and PhD students. This year, the conference will take place in Grenoble from November 8 to 10 on the theme “Geodesy, Geophysics and Mountains”.

For details on session themes, practical information and submissions:

Submissions are now open, until September 9 (via the “Submission” tab).

Organizing committee: Mathilde Radiguet (ISTerre); Fabien Albino (ISTerre); Florent Gimbert (IGE)
contact :


Colloque G2 2022 – Grenoble du 8 au 10 novembre sur le thème Géodésie, Géophysique et Montagne

Annonce colloque G2 2022