In March 2022, one of the gravimeters of the Gmob national park (today integrated to the specific gravimetry action) was used for the filming of the “C’est toujours pas sorcier” series devoted to gravimetry. Kristel Chanard (IGN-IPGP) hosted part of the filming team at the Institut de physique du globe de Paris and measured gravity on the first floor and on the roof of the building.

The program is available online on the France.TV website until February 2026. The gravimeter of the Résif park used at the IPGP is visible notably from minutes 7 and 11.

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Extrait de l’émission sur la gravimétrie de la série “C’est toujours pas sorcier” © France TV

Excerpt from the program on gravimetry of the series “C’est toujours pas sorcier” © France TV