Scientific valorization



Epos-France data is distributed according to international standards and formats specific to each type of data. They are freely accessible under an Etalab or CC-BY 4.0 license. The obligation to cite concerns both the research infrastructure and the data distribution node.


  • Data policy (citation)
  • Seismological Data
  • GNSS Data
  • Gravimetric Data

Products, tools and software

On this site you will find a list of examples of products, tools and software developed as part of the infrastructure. This information is supplemented by specific pages on the websites of the actions concerned.


  • Products
  • Tools and software

Scientific publications

Every year, numerous scientific articles are published using data distributed by the Epos-France research infrastructure, and before that by the French Seismological and Geodetic Network (Résif). In addition to journal articles, this data is used to produce theses, maps, books and book chapters, and conference papers.


Scientific publications

Epos-France Newsletter

Following on from the Résif-Epos Newsletter, the Epos-France Newsletter is aimed at the geosciences scientific community, as well as the institutional partners of the Research Infrastructure and anyone interested in the topics covered. Published twice a year by e-mail in PDF format and in print, it provides information on Epos-France’s activities, how it works and the major results obtained from its data.


Lettre d’information

EPOS integrated services

EPOS officially opened its integrated services and access portal on April 25, 2023. The interface connects around 250 data services in the inner Earth domain, facilitating interdisciplinary research through increased ease of discovery and access to data, data products and other services (‘DDSS’, for Data, Data Products, Software and Services).