Sources of funding for Epos-France


Partner contributions

Epos-France partners, through their own funding, contribute to the construction and operation of Epos-France. By sharing resources and data within the infrastructure, partners can optimize their resources. Moreover, by pooling their efforts, they are able to obtain additional funding.

French Ministry of Higher Education and Research

Résif has been labelled Système d’observation et d’expérimentation pour la recherche et environnement (SOERE) since 2010, and Epos-France will take over from this contract. SOERE funds are allocated by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research on the recommendation of the Alliance nationale pour la recherche en Environnement (AllEnvi). AllEnvi federates public research forces to program and coordinate French environmental science strategy.

French Ministry of Ecological Transition

The MTE helped finance the construction of the data archiving and distribution system for certain instrumental networks, such as the Permanent Accelerometer Network and the Permanent Broadband Network. It continues to contribute financially to the maintenance of the Rap’s equipment, to data enhancement and knowledge dissemination initiatives, and to the activities of the Transverse thematic action Seismicity

Investissements d’avenir – EquipEx Résif-Core

Epos-France’s instrumental networks (particularly seismological) were built during the lifetime of the IR Résif-Epos. In December 2011, Résif was a winner in the second wave of Equipements d’EXcellence (EquipEx) for its Résif-Core project. Financial support, provided under the Programme Investissements d’Avenir (PIA) managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), amounted to €9.3M over 9 years (10 years for operating support). Around 50% of this funding went towards the construction and installation of the instrumentation required for Résif. Since 2021, Résif-Epos, then Epos-France, has benefited from a new PIA3+ project entitled Marmor, led by its partner Ifremer. Approximately €5.5 million has been obtained to develop seabed geophysical instrumentation and thus broaden Résif’s observational scope, which was hitherto limited to terrestrial measurements.

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The recurrent operation and minimal updating of Epos-France’s observation networks are ensured by CNRS funding allocated to national Research Infrastructures (RI).